Welcome Representative Manley!
by Transitional Care Management
01 10, 2025 | Posted in Press | 0 comments
Congresswoman Natalie Manley, a member of the Illinois House of Representatives representing the 98th district, recently toured Joliet Terrace, a behavioral and intermediate care center managed by Transitional Care Management.
During the visit, Representative Manley engaged with staff, residents, and guests and asked thoughtful questions about the unique needs of individuals receiving care at Joliet Terrace and the challenges of providing behavioral health services in Illinois.
The discussion highlighted key issues about the complexities involved with providing services in behavioral and intermediate care settings, success stories of individuals who have benefited greatly from these services, and the need for additional resources to help improve patient outcomes.
"Representative Manely's visit provided a valuable opportunity to address concerns and emphasize the importance of ongoing support for behavioral health services in the state," said Sabrena McCarley, Director of Clinical Reimbursement with Transitional Care Management. "We are grateful for her interest, time, and commitment to understanding the needs of the community."

TCM’s First Administrator in Training Program Graduates
by Transitional Care Management
10 17, 2024 | Posted in Press | 0 comments
Congratulations to the first cohort of Transitional Care Management's Administrator in Training program graduates!
This group of leaders was invited to expand their horizons and career options with Transitional Care University’s inaugural four-module, 460-hour administrative learning opportunity. Throughout the past year, they all rose to the challenge and gained practical career-advancing knowledge and experience in Long-Term Care, Skilled Nursing, Memory Care, and Behavioral Health. "Thank you for your commitment to ongoing career growth and development and for your dedication to the people we serve," said Transitional Care Management President Denise Norman. We wish each of you continued success!" The program's graduates are pictured above with Transitional Care Management President Denise Norman (far left), Michelle Stuercke, Chief Clinical Officer (back row, far right), and Jackie Salgado, LNHA, Regional Director of Operations (far right).
Legislative Visits Foster Greater Understanding
Joliet, Bourbonnais, and West Chicago hosted key state representatives, giving insightful tours of our unique services.
“More than opportunities to display our facilities – these were crucial opportunities to highlight the meaningful work we do and the challenges we face to help ensure that our voices are heard and patient needs are at the forefront of legislative discussions." ~Sabrena McCarley, Director of Clinical Reimbursement
Joliet Terrace welcomed Senator Rachel Ventura, a Joliet native and representative for Illinois’ 43rd Senate District. Her visit provided a valuable opportunity to discuss our services and advocate for the needs of our patients.

Michael Guthrie, Activity Director at Joliet Terrace, discusses the significance of the motto "Every Day is a Wednesday" with Senator Ventura (far right) and Sabrena McCarley (far left).
Bourbonnais Terrace hosted District State Representative Jackie Haas from the 79th House District. This visit was instrumental in addressing our centers' challenges and fostering a deeper understanding of our commitment to patient care.

From left to right, Chad Soucy, Executive Director of Bourbonnais Terrace, Sabrena McCarley, Director of Clinical Reimbursement, Representative Jackie Haas, Najat Williams, Regional Director of Behavioral Health, and Mike Filippo, Chief Financial Officer, are shown.
West Chicago Terrace hosted Senator Karina Villa, a West Chicago native, and Representative Maura Hirschauer, a 103rd General Assembly of Illinois member, for a tour showcasing the unique services offered to patients. Both senators are strong advocates for the community and mental health services. This visit provided an excellent opportunity to discuss challenges and successes and engage in a lively conversation to benefit community members.

During their facility tour, Amy Wallace, Administrator at West Chicago Terrace (far left), highlights the successful Life Skills program to Senator Villa and Representative Hirschauer (far right).

Eagle Scout’s Generous Gift Brightens The Terrace
Eagle Scout John Gorsica recently donated two hand-crafted raised planter boxes and an outdoor bench to the Terrace Nursing Home. John financed and made these items as part of his summer Eagle Scout project from Troop 303 in Grayslake.
The planters and bench are a wonderful gift for everyone at The Terrace who will enjoy the beauty of the outdoors and John's hard work!

We’re an Officially Certified Great Place to Work Team!
by Transitional Care Management
09 26, 2024 | Posted in Press | 0 comments
Based on input from and questionnaires completed by our team members, our centers are now officially certified as Great Places to Work!

- Bourbonnais Terrace
- Crestwood Terrace
- Frankfort Terrace
- The Terrace
- West Chicago Terrace

The RAC is back, increasing scrutiny in a complex nursing home audit environment
by Transitional Care Management
02 19, 2024 | Posted in Press | 0 comments
Transitional Care Management Director of Clinical Reimbursement Sabrina McCarley, MBA-SL, OTR/L, CLIPP, RAC-CT, QCP, FAOTA, offers her expertise in the following article from McKnight's Long-Term Care News.
Audits of skilled nursing providers are likely to increase this year, with a growing number of federal and state recovery audits adding to specialized compliance reviews announced last year.
In 2023, regulators instituted audits of facilities using potentially inappropriate diagnoses of schizophrenia, as well as a new, five-claim audit of every US nursing home that was specifically meant to root out improper payments.
Now, routine audits run by the federal Medicare Fee for Service Recovery Audit Program and states looking to ensure payment accuracy through the Medicaid program are roaring back to life.
“While RAC audits practically halted during the COVID-19 pandemic, activity has picked up substantially following the end of the public health emergency,” attorney Amy Fouts wrote in BakerHostetler’s Healthcare Industry 2023 Year in Review published Thursday.
While some of the Recovery Audit Contractor activity is moving toward outpatient services, she warned inpatient providers such as skilled nursing operators to stay vigilant for more scrutiny.
So, too, does Sabrena McCarley, director of clinical Reimbursement for Transitional Care Management.
While she won’t go so far as to call any 2023 increases in RAC activity an “explosion,” she said her company and others who provide billing and compliance support to nursing homes are seeing “an increase in audits of everything.”
“The floodgates, essentially, have opened,” said McCarley, secretary of the National Association of Rehabilitation Providers and Agencies. “When you just talk about the RAC audit, people think, ‘Oh I’m totally excepted. I don’t take Medicare. I’m never going to see an audit.’ … They kind of get in this trap. They’re in a bubble, and then they don’t know what to do when their bubble bursts.”

2023/2024 Administrator in Training Program Kicks Off
by Transitional Care Management
11 14, 2023 | Posted in Press | 0 comments
Transitional Care Management’s new Administrator in Training program (AIT) provides hands-on, specialized learning and mentoring opportunities.
The nine 2023/2024 participants were invited to expand their horizons (and their career options) with Transitional Care University’s inaugural four-module, 460-hour administrative learning opportunity. They will gain practical career-advancing knowledge and experience in Long-Term Care, Skilled Nursing, Memory Care, and Behavioral Health. Transitional Care University AIT grads earn:- Supplemental, fast-track specialized training that is an ideal “next step” for professionals on an administrative career path
- A certificate of course completion
- Skills to further enhance career progression
- Administrator in Training title
- Opportunity for growth within the organization.

Terrace Care Communities Lead the Way with NEW, Award-Winning Program
by Transitional Care Management
11 14, 2023 | Posted in Press | 0 comments
Transitional Care-managed communities are setting new industry standards!
Terrace Care communities’ new Life Sills program, which features 10 key modules for teaching key skill sets for building competencies in daily routines that are needed to live more independently, earned the 2023 National Association of Rehab Providers and Agencies (NARA) Impact Award.

Developing Personal Resilience and Work-Life Balance
by Transitional Care Management
08 16, 2023 | Posted in Event, General, Press | 0 comments

Join Linda Riccio, Vice President of Therapy Services with TransitionalCare Management, for a Zoom presentation identifying the key differences between compassion fatigue, burnout, secondary trauma, and PTSD. You will learn evidence-based tools used to assess compassion fatigue and well-being. Linda will encourage you to voice three self-care strategies you will use to minimize burnout and promote your resilience.
September 14th, 2023, 12:00 pm- 1 pm. $35
Illinois Pioneer Coalition members are eligible for one free CEU.

Supporting Nurse Leaders in Turbulent Times Webinar
by Transitional Care Management
06 13, 2023 | Posted in Event, General, Press | 0 comments
$35 per Community Free CEU's to IPC members